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Chinese translation for "guiding accuracy"


Related Translations:
profile accuracy:  齿廓精度齿形精度
statical accuracy:  静态准确度
distance accuracy:  测距精度航程精度距离精度
positional accuracy:  点位精度定位精度定位准确度位置精度
working accuracy:  工作精度加工精度
levelling accuracy:  测平精度
accuracy contours:  等精度线
accuracy rating:  标称准确度额定准确度精度标称值精度等级/精确度精度级精确度限准确率
cutting accuracy:  锯断精度
nominal accuracy:  标称精度
Example Sentences:
1.The result obtained from the system being used practically show that , the design is scientific , and the guiding accuracy and detect - calibrating efficiency has improved evidently , and the functions of the system has been enhanced
2.So the base decided to rebuild the system , in the rebutided detect - calibrating system , closing control technique has been adopted and the guiding accuracy has been greatly improved . at the same time , it has adopted multiple parallel light - pipeline scanning technique , and the efficiency of detect - calibrating has remarkably enhanced
3.Abstract : guiding accuracy of casting mould depends on structure and oscillation parameters , such as elastic deformation of guiding leaf - springs , play of bearings between linkages , stroke and frequency of mould oscillation , etc . . in this paper , these factors are studied by means of kinetic and dynamic analysis of oscillating mechanism
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